Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blog about yourself


I would like you to blog on the following items:

  1. About yourself: your name, high school, interests, role model etc.
  2. What interests you in computing and why you choose computer science/engineering?
  3. What you plan to do after getting a degree in computer science/engineering
See you in class tomorrow.


  1. Hey, my name is Lindsay. I'm from a suburb of Detroit like I said, however I graduated from Queen Creek High School here in the valley. I love music and my older cousin Mark Lyle is one of my main role models, but that's a secret. I really didn't like programming after a class I took my sophomore year, I had a really bad teacher, however when I did FIRST I was picked as a programmer because I had experience. I gave it a second chance and I really liked it, and was talented. Finally, I plan on majoring in CSE and minoring in math, going back to grad school to get my masters in bioinformatics or cheminformatics so that I can help research groups, my ultimate goal.

  2. Hi, my name is Jared Korinko. I went to Empire High School in Tucson, Arizona. My interests are in sports and computers. I love being outside and being active and I also like playing video games every once in a while. My motto would be "Work hard, play hard." My role model is probably my father.

    I've always loved computers, both hardware and software. I got into web programming which exposed me to the idea of structure and rules of many programming languages. For some reason, it just clicks with me.

    I would like to pursue an Information Assurance position, hopefully within the government. I've always liked criminal justice too, so a job that intertwines both would be amazing. I like the ideas and practices of encryption and the NSA or Secret Service would be two ideal jobs. I'm also interested in medical/bio engineering and programming software for that application.

  3. Hey, my name is Vincent Yee and I went to Perry High School in Chandler,AZ. I love watching and playing all sports, playing video games from time to time, playing poker, anything outdoors and anything that has to do with technology.

    I chose to be a CSE major because I was always good with computers and math all my life so it just seemed fitting.

    After I get my degree in CSE I would also like t get a minor in business because I took business my freshman year in high school and stuck with it ever since because business was natural for me and is important in all facets of the workplace. My dream job would be something that incorporates computers with business and possibly even sports because I love it so much.

  4. My name is Matt Mellott. I graduated from Northland Prep in Flagstaff, AZ. I’m interested in learning new things and meeting new people. In my free time I like to be outside, play reversi, and drink coffee.
    I chose Computer Science because, for me, it is the most exciting thing I could ever imagine doing for the rest of my life. After graduation, I want to go into either information assurance or artificial intelligence and ultimately I also hope to teach.

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  6. Hello my name is Ana Roque and I live in Phoenix. I graduated from North High School and I'm glad that all of my friends are also attending ASU. I like to hang out with my friends and my boyfriend. Of course i like to go shopping, go to the movies and just chill.
    I chose Computer Science because there is so much to do and learn from computers. After I receive my degree in Computers I plan to stay in school to receive my Masters Degree. From there I hope to be working in a company like Apple.

  7. 1. About yourself: your name, high school, interests, role model etc.

    Hi I'm Bryce Muzzy, I went to Brophy College Preparatory! My interests are music, DJing, computers, lacrosse, video games, and firearms. My role models are my father and a man named Jeff Glosser who I worked very closely with at Brophy in planning and organizing events. Both have taught me an enormous amount about leadership, humility, and kindness; three traits that I hold to be incredibly important.

    2. What interests you in computing and why you choose computer science/engineering?

    I have always been using computers and messing around with them. It is something that I have grown up with as a source of entertainment and enjoyment, so over time as my understanding of computer components and performances grew, it was another thing that I enjoyed doing. I have built a number of computers for myself, friends, and family. That is one of my favorite things to do! I chose computer systems because I wanted to further my knowledge (and understanding) of how computers work and what they are capable of doing.

    3. What you plan to do after getting a degree in computer science/engineering

    I would love to work in a leadership position or sales at a company like Intel, Oracle, or Google, working closely with techs/researchers. You can always sell a product better if you have a deep understanding of it :)

  8. Alright, so my name is Terry Bishop and I went to Marcos de Niza High School. I am interested in a wide variety of things such as sports (football, basketball, MMA) computer programming/ almost anything to do with computers and socializing with those who have similar interests. Also, my role model would honestly be my parents because they have both worked so hard throughout their lives and it may be somewhat cliche that I say that, but it's true.
    Computers have interested me all my life and this is somewhat due to the fact that I was exposed to them at such an early age by my dad. I enjoy programming so much actually that writing the programs in CSE100 (which I end up doing in class rather than pay attention...) is like playing a video game. Simple, interactive and since I like to do things my own way and see the outcome, in computer programming I can do just that.
    After obtaining my degree in computer systems engineering I am hoping to get a job with a place like Intel as a software developer, but I also aspire to move into fields such as IT or video game development which can take me into completely different aspects of the computer systems industry.

  9. Hi, my name is Anthony Jauregui. I graduated from Suffield High School in Suffield, Connecticut. After the graduation ceremony I was on a plane to Arizona. I love to play sports, video games, hang out with friends, and of course just chill. I've always been good with technology and my dream job would to be getting into the Game Graphics field. Originally, I was going to be an art major to do this. After much thought I figured that I would be better off in Computer Science. I had done HTML, CSS, and some Javascript in high school so I knew what coding would be like. In addition, Computer Science has a wide range of job possibilities and more job security than most nowadays. I'm Anthony and Windows 7 was my idea.

  10. Hello World. My name is Joseph Jauregui, I graduated from Suffield High School, in Connecticut (yeah way over on the other side of the nation) and now my brother and I live in Carefree, AZ. I enjoy music, both playing and listening to it, videogames, namely Starcraft II, and other stuff that interests most of my other peers, like guns, cars, and technology. I love using and learning about computers, how they function, and I'm interested in both the hardware components as well as software, therefore I chose Computer Systems Engineering as my major. After getting a degree in CSE I will probably decide what the best profit margin is, whether it is worth trying to get a job straight out of school in four years, or if it would be more beneficial to enhance my skills further. As far as where I would like to work, honestly anywhere where I could utilize my skills and somehow benefit someone would be fine with me.

  11. I'm Brent Lewis. My high school was Lake Havasu High School in Arizona. My interests are computer programming, and music. I've been programming for many years now and I love doing it. I hope to complete doctoral studies so that I can teach some day when I'm old. Before that happens though, I'll probably move to India to find work. :/

  12. 1. My name is Michael Farris and I graduated from Valley Christian High School. My interests are building and programming robots and playing video games.

    2. I spent four years programming for a robotics team and I really enjoyed doing it which is what got me interested in this major because I got to do the software side of the robot and occasionally do the hardware side as well.

    3. After I get my degree I plan on getting a job.

  13. 1. My name is Billy Baxter, I graduated from Boulder Creek High School in Anthem, AZ. My interests include working on computers. I like both the hardware and software. I built my first computer when I was 15. I don't know much about programming, but I am eager to learn. I'm taking C++ programming on campus right now.

    2. Computers interest me because of all the things they are capable of doing. Using software, there are endless possibilites, and those possibilities expand everyday. They also get more complicated, and I want to learn about them. Computers are the future, and I want to be a part of it.

    3. After I get my degree, I plan on applying to a large company such as Microsoft or Google. I love all the projects that these two companies work on, and I want to help with them. I also want to own my own company one day.

  14. Hi I'm Andrew Paxia. I went to North Pointe Preparatory, I like roller coasters and anything that moves more than 200MPH. I chose to go with computer systems engineering because It's the only thing that I really like that you can actually make a living with. I plan to find a job after I get my degree.

  15. 1. My name is Jason Hitch. I am from Horizon High School here in Scottsdale, AZ. My interests are computers and technology. I love finding out how things work and how to make them better.

    2. Like I said I love finding out how things work and computer have a lot of things that make them work. I chose CSE because I think it sounds fun and I hope that it will keep me motivated in school.

    3. I honestly don't know what specific kind of job I want but something that I enjoy doing is my goal. A big paycheck wouldn't hurt either.

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  17. 1.) I'm Chris, I went to school at Yuma Catholic in Yuma, AZ. My interests include SCORE and rally racing, computer programming and graphic design, photography, and backpacking.

    2.) I like writing solutions to problems in new ways. Programming allows me to build things in a virtual environment that interact with the real world and helps solve problems we face. I am interested in learning more about hardware design and its interaction with high level and machine code to create embedded systems.

    3.) I want to pursue a career in embedded systems engineering but anything hands-on is great as well.
